成立氣候倡議組織EATcofriendly之感想 (中/ENG)


兒時偶像盧凱彤是位素食者,當年一篇由記者陳曉蕾撰寫的訪問報道《最美的蛋治》訴說她為何因氣候公義而選擇茹素,並引用作家Anna Lappe的說法:「每一次你花的錢,都是在為你想要的世界投票」令我深受啟發。




I am thrilled to have this opportunity to address food sustainability issues as a member of the young climate group EATcofriendly. We are dedicated to promoting dietary habits with low-carbon emissions to mitigate the impact of global warming. 🥬🌎

Carbon emissions from global food production account for 1/3 of human-caused GHG emissions, with emissions from animal-based foods being twice as high as those from plant-based foods. We believe the government should strengthen relevant policies in the food system to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

Major highlights from our public opinion survey:
✨79% agreed the government should set emission reduction targets and strategies for the food system
✨85% support the addition of more food-related procurement guidelines to introduce more low-carbon foods
✨79% of support for updating the dietary guidelines, considering both public and planetary health

Based on public opinions and our research, we propose the following initatives:
🥗Integrate food sector decarbonization into Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan
🥗50% plant-based options in the public procurement policy
🥗Update dietary guideline taking into consideration both public and planetary health