多謝香港電台第三台英文節目《Hashtag Hong Kong》既邀請,好高興有呢個機會同聽眾分享飲食碳排放,係極端天氣頻繁出現下,齊齊反思環保生活既重要性,推廣多菜少肉既飲食習慣🥬 Thanks for having me in RTHK Radio 3’s program “Hashtag Hong Kong” on behalf of EATcofriendly. Glad to have this opportunity to share food-related sustainability […]
與前局長黃錦星會面 - 香港氣候倡議之迷思 (中/ENG)
成立氣候倡議組織EATcofriendly之感想 (中/ENG)
香港電台第三台節目訪問 - “Backchat” Interview Archive (ENG)
Happy to share the study on HK’s food carbon footprint in Backchat on RTHK Radio 3 with Janice Wong and Mike Rowse on behalf of EATcofriendly! We suggest the government should include food system emissions reduction in HK’s Climate Action Plan to bring the climate agenda forward…
The planet can provide for human need but not human greed.
熟悉我嘅朋友都知我好多嘢講,自從重投校園生活,同加入Slasher行列後,接觸咗好多有趣新事物,收埋一大堆同氣候變化有關嘅故事,開個新平台同大家分享,希望可以一齊實踐可持續生活🌳 Being a talkative person, I am always willing to share lots of interesting ideas and stories with my friends 💖. Since resuming my school life and being […]